Xenia Ioannidou, Founder & Master Teacher of Real Change Academy

Xenia Ioannidou started her metaphysical healing journey when she started learning the pendulum dowsing methods of SRT & SpR on March 2007. She saw her life transform in ways she couldn’t imagine, so much so that she feels her life is divided in the «Before & After» eras. She started working extensively clearing and healing on people, animals and properties. In her practice she was given the opportunity to observe & monitor the changes that can be brought about by connecting with High Self and the clearing of negative energy with a pendulum. As can be expected, she loved her pendulum clearings and shared them around the world with anyone who was willing to try them. After completing the series of SRT & SpR seminars with founder Robert Detzler and other SRA Certified Teachers, she became a Certified SRT Teacher in 2009 and a Certified SpR Teacher in 2010.
She was an active and long-term member of the Greek SRT translation team and a Member and Chairman of the SRA’s Continuing Education Committee. She translated to Greek the SRT charts, workbook material and seminars as well as Robert E. Detzler’s book “Spiritual Healing”. He was also a member of the SRA’s Communication and Ethics & Standards Committees. She worked on the SRA Phone Consultant Line from 2012-2021 facilitating thousands of healing sessions to people from all around the world.
Immediately however, she began to add to her practice all her knowledge of the ancient Greek literature, modern psychology and self-improvement training, subjects she loved since adolescence. She traveled extensively throughout Europe and the United States to enhance her knowledge of metaphysics, psychology and self-improvement. Within two years, she had already increased the number of unique sessions to a comprehensive range of specialized topics (relationships, goals, abundance) which she developed into seminars and started teaching them to her students.
Education and Training
She belongs to a business educational association from her post-college era that provides a wide range of education and training in areas of business acumen. Xenia has attended and continues to attend live or online seminars with Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and many other masters. In addition to her general knowledge in the fields of energy healing, her training and experience in graphic design, administration, finance, estate planning, marketing and promotion add a complete range of knowledge that she has introduced in her sessions and seminars, making her sessions very effective.
- From 2015 onwards she started teaching her seminars online.
- In 2015, she traveled to England several times to attend the Super Connection I, II, III pendulum seminars with founders and master teachers Linda Turner & Alice Foehn.
- Between 2015-2016, she attended a 2-year Holistic-Energetic Nutrition course based on the ancient Greek medicine of Hippocrates (Unani).
- In 2016, she included in her sessions the incomparable nutritional supplements from Nutrilite® & Aquasource® for the care and well-being of the body.
- In 2017, she added bioresonance to her list of services.
- In 2019, she traveled to Germany repeatedly to attend the biochemistry «Facial Diagnostics» seminars through Schuessler Salts with world renowned German naturopath Dr. Friedrich Depke.
- In 2019 she traveled to Orlando, Florida to attend the NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming through Hypnosis) seminars by NLP co-founder Dr. Richard Bandler.
A Greek Dowsing System is Born
In 2017 it became apparent that Xenia had developed a brand new dowsing modality. She named it Greek Dowsing Systems or GrecoDow for short. The GrecoDow system includes 12 modules based on the Greek philosophy and holistic energic nutrition of Hippocrates, quantum physics, biochemistry, bioresonance and NLP. Each module focuses on a key area in people’s life and brings solutions and guidance on how to solve these problems in an efficient and thorough manner, always with the divine guidance of High Self. With all these modalities united under one roof the idea of a Hyper Therapy Center was created.
On June 2021, it became obvious that the GrecoDow modality should become the focus of all her energies which meant that her SRT era had come full circle and it was time to move forward to a new beginning. She now teaches her unique dowsing system in Greek and English online and in person in Europe, United States and China.
Other Interests & Activities
She is an active member of her community and took part in the national parliamentary elections in Greece in 2012 as well as in the local, municipal elections in Piraeus in 2014. In 2019 she became a candidate for the Europarliament and Greek parliament elections with the Agricultural & Livestock Party of Greece (AKKEL).
In her spare time, she participates in painting exhibitions with her sketches and paintings and owns EgoTree Spa Soaps & More, a small natural products company focusing on natural handmade, energetic soaps and beauty products for mind, body and soul. Some of these products along with her handmade pendulums can be found on our Εshop.
Xenia Ioannidou
Teacher & Consultant of Alternative Therapies
Founder of Real Change Academy
(GrecoDow® & GrecoMastery® Educational Systems)