Quantum Time
If we are to talk about reincarnation, then the next subject in our conversation has to be about past or other lives (parallel or future), sometimes known as «Alternate Lifetimes». This inevitably leads to the concept of a quantum or universal timeline, a subject difficult to explain, since most cultures teach the easy and convenient linear time perspective, meaning that time exists in a continuum. We had yesterday, we have today, we will have tomorrow, in that order. As Albert Einstein famously said: «The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. … The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once».
However, science has finally admitted that quantum time is very real (see our article «Sorry, Einstein. Quantum Study Says “Spooky Action” Is Real»), which in essence means that time is not as simple or organized as we learned or perceive it. Rather, it’s a complex, multi-level phenomenon in which, everything exists at the same time (past, present, future). Therefore, our «present» life can influence not only our future one, but also our past and parallel lives and vice versa. A little mind-bending, I would say. So, scientists know of quantum time for some time. The general public is still moving along on that perspective. But, let put things in order.
Past Life Memories & Programs
All knowledge, from all our lives is stored deep into our subconscious mind, in our Akashic Records or «Book of Life». Since our brain is developed only to a minimal degree of its capacity, we are able to access only a very small part of our total memory (2% they say). Still, this 2% is enough to make some things seem more familiar or easier to accomplish. The more lives we have lived, the less we have to learn from scratch. Rather, we simply remember things, which can either help or hinder (or both). This explains the «born a genius» element where some people are born with natural and exceptional skills or gifts (music, art, sciences, skills etc). The more lives you’ve lived as a musician, the greater the chances you will play instruments or compose music in an exceptional manner, with little or no formal musical training, in this life. It’s just how this carry-over energy works.
In the same manner, the greater the negative beliefs or energies we experienced in other lives, the more likely they are to carry-over and become activated in this life. And though each life is independent, these memories, if strong enough, can hinder and interfere in many and great ways in this life. These influences have greater impact if they are aligned with our current programs, because they intensify them. This could make our reactions to a current situation seem so over the top, or obsessive even. We or the people around us would not be able to fully understand «WHY» we react with such passion to seemingly smaller events. Our boundaries will play a greater role here. The greater the influence of carry-over energies along with the size of the current crisis, the more we need excellent boundaries, something that is increasingly hard to find.
If these energies are not aligned, they can become interferences that are way out-of-context and unexplainable for our current situations. These «misplaced interjections» from other lives have the potential to create phobias or situations that cause great pain and hardship that limits us in many ways. People love their puzzles to be solved and have people in little boxes that are easily defined. Great and inexplicable mysteries, problems or behaviors are only misunderstood and don’t make enough sense for others to sympathize with. People who live through these energies often feel like clumsy failures and are rarely happy or satisfied with themselves or their skills and lives.
Usually, we have both positive and negative memories that help and hinder us in this life, but thankfully, not always simultaneously. The point is, which influence is greater, and at what time. These memories lie dormant waiting for the «right opportunity» to resurface. And this happens anytime we get triggered. These triggers can be anything we associate with a strong negative emotion (images, places or scents etc.). Usually it’s something we’ve smelled in a past life, that we’ve associated with some negative event or emotion, quite possibly without realizing. If the negative emotion associated with a particular event is strong enough, that event can become a trigger, in any form (phobias, allergies, inhibitions, melancholy).
For instance, the human olfactory system can distinguish more than 1 trillion scents, according to a 2014 Rockefeller University research. However, most of that is not done on a conscious level which means we don’t pay attention to that at all. An example of this would be a warrior dying in a battlefield face down on the grass, in utter agony. As he dies, the scent of fresh grass becomes associated and etched in his memory to great agony (physical, emotional etc). In this life, that person might develop a strong allergy to grass or have some unexplainable phobia about grass. So, anytime that person smells grass, he/she is triggered into some agonizing reaction.
Remember, the objective of the trigger is to help us overcome unresolved issues so that we may learn and expand into a greater divine connection. This happens everytime we overcome something negative and grow from it in some positive way. So, past life memories can be a good thing but they can also be a very negative thing. That’s why, a discovery and healing session into a past life program, can have such a positive influence and welcoming results.
Past life research with people
Just as programs can be triggered by images, places or scents, the same applies to people. If we have negative experiences with a particular person, when we meet in this or other life, we can become triggered and develop an uncanny dislike to that person, for no apparent reason. We usually describe this a «bad vibe» and easily chuck it off to bad character, but the element of a past life interference cannot be ignored. It makes a big difference how much negative energy we have in our «history» with them. The more negative lives we have lived with each other, the more possible triggers we can tap into. Relationships are hard to begin with, getting to know what that history entails, is very, very helpful. That’s why, a discovery and healing session into a past life relationship, can have such be such a revealing and comforting experience.
Why can’t we remember our past lives?
Each life brings us a certain level of wisdom that is gained through time and effort. Not remembering allows us to start each life on a clean slate and live it from a new perspective, which is actually the objective. To live and learn as a young and fresh mind. Otherwise, each life would be lived through the eyes of a person with «the experience of a thousand years» which would mean to have very little passion or even interest. After all, if you’ve seen so many things, over and over, how many times can you see them again? A little boring, wouldn’t you say?
Is it possible to remember past lives?
Yes – it is. Sometimes people who lead quite ordinary lives, including children, have spontaneous memories of other lives including their deaths which can be quite unsettling. Here I will refer to an experience of my own, many years ago, when I had just started dealing with energy clearings and healings. I was at a friend’s house and her 3 year old son came into the kitchen as we were drinking our coffee and tells his mom that he sees a «bird» in the corner of the ceiling. We looked, but there was nothing where our little man was pointing. Then his mother who was well-versed on metaphysical matters says to him, «Is there anything in the house that looks like the little bird you see»? The little boy runs into the living room and brings her the little statue of an angel that was in their library. His mother then explains to him that this is not a bird, but an angel and it is a good thing. Satisfied, the little boy went to play with his toys. As soon as he left, his mom whispered to me: «You know, he also sees evil and those days are not easy!»
Another time the same family and I went for a tour of the Acropolis with some friends who were visiting from America. As soon as we climbed «The Rock», the little one suddenly started crying. When his parents asked him why he was crying, he replied that he had fought there once and described the battle in detail. He was clearly very upset. His parents reassured him by explaining that this was just a memory from another life that had nothing in common with the current one. He thought about this for a few seconds and calmed down. The matter was closed. This little boy I learned later, very often was telling his mother or father, «When you were not my mother but my sister or my daughter…» and many other such stories. Unbelievable, but true.

James Leininger is the boy who remembers his past life and death as World War II fighter pilot James Huston
Recent studies of children who speak with passion about their «other lives» provide much food for thought, even to big sceptics. In the article «Children Who Report Memories of Previous Lives» on the University of Virginia website, Dr. Jim Tucker, now the director of the Division of Perceptual Studies, reports on his 20-year work which focuses in past life recollections of children, mainly from the United States. In his book «Return to life», Dr. Tucker painstakingly and meticulously documents in great detail about some well-known past-life recollection cases from children. James Leininger, a young boy who had past-life memories of his life and death as James Huston, a WWII pilot which were verified in the most spectacular way. Also, Ryan Hammons, who had memories of being a Hollywood extra and talent agent, with also verifiable memories. These are just two of the many cases mentioned in his book about the recycling of memories from beyond. These cases and their subsequent scientific research are a great milestone and bring scientific proof that past lives and reincarnation are in fact reality and not «spooky», «other worldly» experiences fit for cocktail parties.
Here I will refer to an experience of my own, many years ago, when I had just started dealing with energy. I was at a friend’s house for coffee, and her 3 year old son came into the kitchen as we were drinking our coffee and tells his mom that he sees a «bird» in the corner of the ceiling. We looked, but there was nothing where the little guy was pointing. Then his mother who was well read on metaphysical matters says to him, «Is there anything in the house that looks like the little bird you see?» The little boy runs into the living room and brings her the little statue of an angel that was in their library. His mother then explains to him that this is not a bird, but an angel and it is a good thing. Satisfied, the little boy went to play with his toys. As soon as he left, his mom whispers to me: «You know, he also sees evil and those days are not easy!»
Another time we went with the same family for a tour of the Acropolis with some friends from America. As soon as we climbed the rock, the little one suddenly started crying. When his parents asked him why he was crying, he replied that he had fought there once and described the battle in detail. He was clearly very upset. His parents reassured him by explaining that this was just a memory from another life that had nothing in common with the current one. He thought about this for a few seconds and calmed down. The matter is closed. This little boy I learned very often told his mother or father, «When you were not my mother but my sister or my daughter…» and many other such stories. Unbelievable, but true.
Why should we remember our past lives?
Most people have memories of their past lives but can’t really see it as such. Most of the time they think it’s just their imagination, some dream or a phantom «deja vu» experience. For instance, if you are in a situation right now where you need a solution, you might have a dream or a vision about a life in which you were an inventor. In essence however, it’s quite possible you have tapped into an alternate life from which you are drawing in help or wisdom, to solve this current problem. This can be true in many cases in your life where much help is needed, like when you need to overcome some obstacle, deal with a difficult person or escape into comfort. You fantasize or so you think. In reality you are watching yourself in some other life, doing quite easily, the very things which now limit and control you. It’s the same reason why the Silva Technique does the «Glass of Water by the Bed» ritual to tap into the memory of water that draws information from the universal Akashic Records.
These experiences are not random but rather, a «dictionary of lives» which you open some page, so you can discover a new (old) perspective. However, we don’t have to wait for the «random surfacing» of these memories. It’s quite possible to have a very exciting, revealing and enlightening GrecoDow® HyperTherapy session in which we can easily research and clear past lives for programs or persons. Discover the exciting world of you!!!
By comparing these discoveries to this life and making the correlations that may interfere with this life, we gain not just insight into our past but also a viable strategy for our present and future in this life. And that makes all the difference in the world. Remembering in a very methodical and thorough way our past and other lives is extremely helpful because we can see what we did and experienced before this incarnation and use this «knowledge and understanding» to make better choices, in this life. Through our connection with High Self and with the use of a pendulum, we can have full access to our subconscious mind and our Akashic Records and our experiences from past and other lives. Isn’t it exciting?
Understanding the idea of quantum time
To help us understand the mind-bending idea of quantum time, past and future lives, I find that movies are the best way to learn, while being entertained. For some, the idea of going back in time to fix a wrong or make a different choice has such a strong appeal, which is why time-travel movies are such a favorite subject. And if we consider that the recently Oscar winning film about multiverses was the movie «Everything, Everywhere, All at Once», the time for researching alternate lives has come. If you love TV shows like Outlander, Doctor Who, Quantum Leap and movies like The Terminator, Edge of Tomorrow, Looper then this list of the best «The 50 All-Time Best Time-Travel Films» is for you. Enjoy!
Xenia Ioannidou
Teacher & Consultant of Alternative Therapies
Founder of GrecoDow® Educational Systems