What is NOT dowsing

The dowsing results of the GrecoDow® healing method have helped thousands of people live a comfortable and happier life and it can also help you in attaining your highest self-expression! Both dowsing and the GrecoDow® are based on the connection to High Self and quantum physics. That implies certain laws that cannot be ignored. These are the laws of divinity and quantum physics. Therefore, there are certain things that dowsing IS NOT and CANNOT BE, since it is based on a higher spiritual connection and proven scientific data that all energy and vibrational healing are based on.

The laws of science:

The proven scientific data of quantum physics regarding the essence of time and space apply to all of us, always. Quantum physics, now recognized as the most correct and accurate model of the universe, particularly at sub-atomic scales, explicitly states that you cannot exploit quantum effects to build a perpetual motion machine, or to create future predictions.

That, in simple terms, means, that predicting the future is simply not possible, since the very thing you are trying to predict, has infinite possibilities that are based on an infinite possibility of interactions. This is the idea of «entanglement», the most important consequence of quantum mechanics. The idea of entanglement states that «a quantum particle, an event let’s say, moving from point A to point B, will take absolutely every possible path, at the same time. This includes paths that involve highly improbable events, that appear out of nowhere and disappear again.»

The probability of what might be is all we ever know and the possibilities are infinite. These infinite possibilities are based on the interaction of all factors, at all times, simultaneously. In other words, what I and what others participants might do, at any given time, all happening at the same time.

When physicists use quantum mechanics to predict the results of an experiment or an event, the only thing they can predict is the probability of detecting each of the possible outcomes, but they can never say definitely, which probability is more likely or what the outcome of the experiment will be. Each new electron (event) is a completely new experiment and the final outcome is always random.

The laws of divinity:

The laws of divinity, on the other hand, dο not allow us to interfere with the free will of another person, since this is the very characteristic of the divine nature of humans who are created in the image of GOD. On a practical level, therefore, if a person does not willingly disclose information about what they are thinking, feeling, or planning to do. We cannot energetically spy on their soul (psychic voyeurism) simply because we want to know these things and think, we are entitled to know, for whatever reason. Therefore, the laws of divinity and psychic voyeurism are simply not compatible.

Also, trying to guess at the most likely scenario, within the infinite range of possibilities, essentially binds someone’s free will. It binds it because it directs it towards a specific result, which in essence controls free will and the right of free interaction at any given time with the surroundings, based on new information.

Therefore, whatever controls free will, is NOT of the light. This is true, even if individuals willingly abdicate their right to free will, based on ignorance or other unavoidable situations. This is often the case of a husband agreeing to research or healing, but doing it to keep the peace, rather than out of true desire. For more information regarding these principles please refer to the article: «Seven Essential Elements of Quantum Physics».

For a visual appreciation of the infinite possibility of interactions of quantum time, please refer to this video and pay attention to Griffin, the friendly alien who explains it so well: Men in Black 3 – Griffin at the Party Scene! While this little clip gives you a taste of what quantum time might be, watching the whole movie will give you a far better educational opportunity. On our «Our Books» page, we recommend several books and movies that might prove very useful for many reasons.

The laws of common sense & professional practices:

Adding to the above laws, there are always two things that make life so much easier: Common sense & professional practices. While dowsing allows us to be guided in our search for a better life, our dowsing range can be limited to our level of knowledge and understanding of certain things which might help or hinder our ability to ask the right questions and interpret correctly the indicators given.

In other words, we can interpret the information we receive only if we know on a conscious level, what the next relevant question is, based on the possible outcomes and consequences that entails. This is very evident in information-laden and experience-based fields such as nutrition, medicine and many other areas of expertise and responsibility.

Dowsing experience and training can help us in this realm to a certain level, but they can NEVER replace conscious knowledge and training on serious matters. It can only function supportively together with the guidance of the relevant field expert we have chosen.

In other words, if a dowser is not trained on specific subjects and doesn’t know the required and proper sequence of questions, he cannot do research or give advice. On subjects such as vitamins or other serious medical treatments and procedures, for instance, the guidance will be incomplete and in many cases damaging.

This type of guidance entails a level of responsibility in handling the aftermath of the «diagnosis»  which includes giving people the necessary treatment options, which the dowser or the patient simply doesn’t know.

So, if you choose to ask questions relevant to your health and well-being from an untrained dowser, the responsibility always lies both you and the dowser. The dowser for misleading you about his training and you for not respecting and accepting responsibility for your body enough and your healing path.

So, keeping to the proper range of subjects the dowser actually knows and can accept responsibility for, is always essential and downright required by common sense and the standards of professional practices. However, asking the dowser to «download» healing is allowed and can be quite beneficial, so please feel to ask for that always.

Therefore, dowsing cannot be used to:

  • Predict the future
  • Psychic voyeurism
  • Gambling or fortune-telling (e.g. what stocks might do)
  • Demand or guarantee of specific results
  • Demand or guarantee of specific healing deadlines
  • Replace your doctor or other experts
  • Avoid or change medical treatment
  • Prescribe or alter medications & prescriptions

Xenia Ioannidou
Teacher & Consultant of Alternative Therapies
Founder of GrecoDow® Educational Systems