On becoming a Healer

Recently, the demand for knowledge about energetics and their powerful potential to heal has gotten much attention. This increased the demand for reliable, competent and trained healers. However, in the minds of the general public, much of this work is not considered «real science» yet, though this is slowly changing. This left the field wide open to interpretation and allowed people from all walks of life to enter and do what they could, for their own reasons. Many had the best intentions, others lost their way.

The main reason why people turned to alternative healing is because the classical system failed them in some way. So they turned elsewhere for answers. Self-improvement and the desire to fulfill our destiny are the two main reasons why most people are interested in change, to begin with. After all, what is healing other than positive change? 

Seeing how energy healing can solve problems unsolved by the classical model, they became interested about the other side and wished to become part of this new world. Not all persons, however, are destined to become healers. So, just because a person wants to improve and energy healing seems interesting, that doesn’t mean that the field is «suitable» for them.

In reality, there are two main drivers which bring people into alternative healing modalities. Either they or someone they loved was stuck in some «problem» that needed healing, forcing them to take matters into their own hands and become deeply committed. That may or may not lead them to actually become healers. Wanting to improve a situation is one thing, becoming a healer yourself is another. 

How do you know where you belong? While becoming a healer might be appealing, is it the right path for you? Will you be committed to healing work when you are not personally involved in some healing process anymore? After much thought on this subject and based on the experience that I and others had, I decided to put to paper some observations. I am hoping they will prove to be very useful to you. So before you decide, take a step back and consider the following:

You know becoming a healer is NOT for you if:

  1. You are unemployed and are looking for a job or a change in your profession.
  2. Your life is stuck in a rut and you think this will move things along in some spectacular way.
  3. You think that most people who do this fall short of your expectations and you could do this much better.
  4. This appears so easy, a child could do it.
  5. You think this is where the $$$ trends lead.
  6. You want to be the next Wayne Dyer now that he’s dead.
  7. You think you are intuitively gifted (everyone is) and that’s enough.
  8. You think this will answer everything you ever wondered about with certainty.
  9. You feel this will solve all your problems, without really trying.

You simply want to self-improve if: 

  1. Have a problem that traditional medicine didn’t or cannot solve and you are deeply committed to learn and do what it takes, to bring about a different result.
  2. You have been duped before and now you can’t trust people and you want to know the secrets to healing for yourself, for obvious reasons. Actually, discernment, a critical thinking skill, will always apply, no matteYou have a problem that traditional medicine didn’t or cannot solve. Of course, you don’t need to be a r how much you know or have learned.
  3. You are not well and want something more in life and you don’t know what that is. That means you are bored.
  4. You are naturally curious about how things work and want to learn more, just because. In other words, you’re inquisitive.
  5. You are bored with the «normal» things and the «other side» fascinates you because it’s different and it will give you an edge. You might just be hoping that if you have the right image, you’ll be «special enough» to be loved.

You want to be a healer when you:

  1. Have a problem that traditional medicine didn’t or cannot solve and you are deeply committed to learn and do what it takes, to bring about a different result.
  2. Have been duped before and now you can’t trust people and you want to know the secrets to healing for yourself, for obvious reasons and are now willing to study and practice for years, in a never-ending quest for knowledge.
  3. Are not well and want something more in life and you don’t know what that is but you are willing to follow this to wherever it takes you.
  4. Are naturally curious about how things work and want to learn more, just because the idea and people interest you enough to work hard about it. In other words, you can read 20 different books on spirituality without wondering if this is useful or cost-effective.
  5. Are bored with the «normal» things and the «other side» fascinates you and you are willing to explore avenues that come your way and after years of being on the path, you know, you are right where you need to be.
  6. Are interested in listening to people’s problems over and over again, but not let them see this in your manner.
  7. Have an unending desire to help others solve their problems and you are actually good at it because everyone always comes to you for answers.
  8. You are willing to repeat things over and over to people since most of them know little about what you do and how it works.
  9. You are willing to guide people who are on a haphazard and self-directed learning path who could be just looking for answers and might not necessarily be committed to change.
  10. Are interested in unraveling their inner dilemmas while giving space and time for their pace and efforts.
  11. Can look at disease and negative energy patterns day after day and despite that, maintain balance in your own life, or at least try, even though that might prove difficult at times.
  12. Your eating and sleeping patterns will have to change in order to accommodate the healing processes that pass through you, whether that’s to your liking or not.
  13. You can engage in years of learning and practicing simply to know more about people and healing without necessarily looking at whether or not that process is cost-effective or profitable.
  14. Feel fulfilled when people grow beyond their limitations, knowing that you can’t prove this is a result of your work.
  15. Help them even though you might never get full or partial credit for their progress. Of course, sometimes you will and it will be wonderful.
  16. You can support this lifestyle even though most people will think you are a quack or a charlatan.
  17. Most likely you won’t be able to tell «normal» people what you do as openly as if you were in another profession, like accounting for instance.
  18. Can live with the prospect that you won’t be taken seriously by most people. Also, you might have to hide or «skillfully» present your profession.
  19. Can live with the prospect that you’ll be considered «outlandish» by upright citizens and some will laugh at you.
  20. Are forbidden to talk about «things» that are contrary to what normal people believe and these people will most likely be your close friends or family.
  21. Might be asked not to go deeply into what you do, or say something  «else» at a family or a friend’s gathering, just because they need the conversation to be on normal subjects and they love you but you know that «others don’t see your light».
  22. Are willing to keep on striving and improving on your talents and intuitive skills just because.
  23. Think you are intuitively gifted but you know this is only the beginning of a long journey.
  24. Are committed to finding the «right» answers, even though you know you’ll always have to learn more and more but still that won’t make you certain of what you know and if it’s true.
  25. Know it won’t be easy but you are willing to put in the time and effort so you can be the best at what you do.
  26. Know that reaching a «master level» in any skill will take at least ten years of hard and focused training & practice.
  27. Are willing to look at your inner landscape and constantly try to BE the change you preach because you value personal integrity, even though you or the people around you might/might not know what that involves.
  28. Constantly set boundaries for yourself and others and strive not to take advantage or be taken advantage of. That means you will not give in to your fears or enable others, as hard as that might be for your livelihood or peace of mind.
  29. Are committed to telling them their truth, even though the truth is difficult to say because you will then have to deal with the consequences of whatever emotions will come up afterwards.
  30. Find the above principles appealing and even think that’s how life is or at least should be.

Xenia Ioannidou
Teacher & Consultant of Alternative Therapies
Founder of GrecoDow® Educational Systems