Category: Articles

Our articles regarding how to use a pendulum for dowsing, the GrecoDow® modality and news and information about alternative and energy therapies!

Understanding Spiritual Narcissism

A beguiling fake guru full of spiritual narcissism

Spiritual narcissism is a subtle but dangerous phenomenon that is quietly gaining traction in a society that is more and more attracted to positive thinking, self-improvement, and spiritual activities. This… Read more »

99% of people have no idea what’s at stake

The eternal battle between good and evil

Below is a transcribed 5-minute YouTube video of Bernhard Guenther from the blog «Piercing the Veil Of Reality». I have long wished to write about current events and the eternal… Read more »

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP, Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming, Overcome Fear

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a set of skills that reveal the kind of communication we have, with ourselves and others. In other words, our inner and outer dialogues. But more… Read more »

Schuessler Salts

Schussler salts, also known as biochemical, tissue or cellular salts

Schussler salts, also known as biochemical, tissue or cellular salts, are easy to use and are administered either alone or as an adjunct to other methods, enhancing their therapeutic effects…. Read more »

Hippocratic or Unani Medicine

Hippocrates, Father of Medicine (Kos, 460 BC – Larissa, 377 BC), known as the «Hippocrates the Great» according to Aristotle, was an ancient Greek physician, one of the most prominent… Read more »

Why people don’t heal: No 5

Στα προηγούμενα άρθρα μου με τίτλο «Γιατί οι άνθρωποι δεν θεραπεύονται και πως μπορούν» – Μέρος Πρώτο με Τέταρτο, αναφέρθηκα σε 10 λόγους που οι άνθρωποι δεν θεραπεύονται. Συνεχίζω με… Read more »