What is Dowsing?

Dowsing with a PendulumWhat is dowsing?

The method of discovery, clearing and healing of negative energy with a pendulum or a rod is called dowsing, divining or radiesthesia (from the Greek words radio and sensing). Dowsing is the most common term used for this practice worldwide. Users of dowsing methods are called dowsers or often diviners. Dowsing can be done with pendulums or rods. Rods are commonly used to dowse for water or metals. In the movie The Water Diviner with Russell Crowe, he is seen to dowse for water on his land.

Dowsing relies on the connection to High Self, a committee of luminous entities that are assigned to help us achieve our life goals. The pendulum, which operates as a receiver and a transmitter, surpasses the conscious mind and draws information from the subconscious where the «Akashic Records» (our book of life) are stored.

Specific charts are used to draw out signals or indicators that are stored in the subconscious mind, indicators which then must be interpreted. The level of fear or ego can interfere with the clarity of the information received or can make the channel reception haphazard. The success of the dowser lies in maintaining a clear channel, properly interpreting the signals and having enough knowledge of the human psyche to understand them, while «serving» others in a healer capacity. This complex set of skills and abilities make or break one’s dowsing capabilities.

During the seminars, apart from learning the material and the method, the students receive multiple initiations to help them navigate in the metaphysical realms. However, practice, perseverance and humility while living a life of spiritual integrity will be the ultimate judge of whether someone can dowse successfully and with continuous clarity.

Another way to understand the pendulum is to imagine it like a TV antenna that can receive invisible waves and transform them into images. This is perhaps due to our innate brain electrical currents that can also act as receivers for which the pendulum serves as a transmitter and a detector.

But even if we don’t understand how the pendulum works, we can benefit from its use. After all, most people don’t know the inner workings of their TV or telephone, but they still are able to use them. You don’t need to be a psychic to use a pendulum. There is nothing magical or mystical in its use and you can be amazed by its accuracy provided you are properly trained and initiated and use it according to the laws of divinity. More information on what dowsing cannot be used for can be found on our page «What’s not dowsing».

Xenia Ioannidou
Teacher & Consultant of Alternative Therapies
Founder of GrecoDow® Educational Systems