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This is a very different session than clearing the negative energy between you and a loved one. In this session, we will look deeply into how you choose to love and be loved. We will account for all the ways you seem to be looking for love in all the wrong places and why choosing these partners who limit you, are in essence a reflection of your inner landscape and dialog.
So, if your relationships don’t seem to get anywhere and you are always looking for the right person, then you might consider this in-depth session as to why this might be happening. Clearing any and all blocks to closeness and commitment and other relevant issues, you might experience love in a brand new way!
Also, we will create a strategic plan to correct all these issues with detailed instructions.
- It is necessary to have an «Initial Clearing» before this session.
- The indicated session costs are based on an estimated average time we think it might take to complete a session. The actual cost varies according to the time you need and the extent of your questions.
Please visit our page «Available Sessions» for a complete list of the sessions we offer.
Νεκταρία Σπυροπούλου –
Tι να πρωτοπώ για αυτήν την συνεδρία;;….(Εννοείται πως, μετά απο έναν ολικό καθαρισμό ο ανώτερος εαυτός μου ανυπομονούσε για την συγκεκριμένη συνεδρία).
Μια συνεδρία που έβγαλε τα πάντα όλα στην επιφανεία σε σημείο να γελάω τόσο, για όλα όσα ήμουν και μου τα σερβίριζε απλόχερα μπροστά μου για να τα δώ και να καθαριστούν. Ειλικρινα, προσωπικά την συγκεκριμένη συνεδρία την καταχάρηκα, όσο για τα αποτελέσματα, άμεσα, τόσο άμεσα (μου ήρθαν προσωπικά), που είπα ”ότι κάποιος μου κάνει πλάκα”.
Το προτείνω ανεπίφυλακτα τόσο την συγκεκριμένη όσο και τα υπόλοιπα…. είναι δυνατό σύστημα!!!
Νεκταρία Σπυροπούλου.
Nektaria Spyropoulou –
I don’t know what to mention first about this session…. Please understand that after my full SRT clearing, I was very eager for this session. A session that brought everything on the surface to the point that I was laughing, for all that I was and for all the information that it so generously and readily served to me on a platter, so that I can know and have cleared. Honestly, I personally loved this session along with the immediate results which I personally experienced, so much so that I said “someone is pulling a joke on me”. I highly recommend both this specific session along with the rest… it’s a powerful system!!! Nektaria Spyropoulos.